Jersey Patent Guide

A patent can be registered in Jersey pursuant to the Patents (Jersey) Law 1957 (Revised Edition) and Rules 1958 which provide for applications to extend rights under an existing UK or European Patent (EP (UK)) registration.

The only documentation required is a certified copy of the UK or EP (UK) registration. No further information is required.

It usually takes four weeks or less for the Registrar of Patents to process an application for registration. Paris Convention priority cannot be claimed. Once the registration is complete the Registrar will issue a Certificate of Registration.

Patent Cooperation Treaty
Jersey is not a signatory to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). National phase filing of a PCT patent is not possible.

It is generally not necessary to conduct a search in Jersey to ascertain that there will be no difficulty with the application for registration because of the requirement that there be a pre-existing UK or EP (UK) registration. If, however, a search is required, the result can usually be provided within two working days.

A patent registration is valid for the same period as specified on the underlying UK or EP (UK) registration on which it is based.

Please inform us as soon as possible if you wish to abandon your patent or allow it to lapse so that we can update our records and advise the Registrar accordingly. This will avoid us sending out unnecessary Reminder Notices.

Please inform us as soon as possible if the patent has been assigned so that we can file an application to record the assignment in Jersey (and the UK if necessary).

To record the assignment of a patent registration the only documentation required a certified copy of the entries on the UK Register showing the assignment.

It usually takes four weeks or less for the Registrar to process an application to record an assignment. Once the recording is complete the Registrar will issue a Registration of Assignment Certificate.

Change of Particulars
Please inform us as soon as possible if there is any change to the registration so that we can file an application to record the change in Jersey (and the UK if necessary).

To record a change of name and/or address for a patent registration the only documentation required is a certified copy of the entries on the UK Register showing the change.

It usually takes four weeks or less for the Registrar to process an application to record a Change of Particulars. Once the recording is complete the Registrar will issue a Registration of Change of Name/Address Certificate.


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PO Box 31726, Grand Cayman KY1-1207

Cayman Islands



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Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands


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